Lentiviral vectors are efficient vehicles for stable gene transfer in both dividing and non-dividing cells. This feature among others makes lentiviral vectors a powerful tool in molecular research. However, the use of lentiviruses in research studies and clinical trials requires a precise and validated titration method. Application development scientists of GDU (GeneMedi Diagnostics Unit) have […]
Category Archives: lentivirus
Lentivirus protocol Download Lentivirus User Manual Download Lentivirus vector system – Introduction GeneMedi’s lentivirus Vector System, also named the lentivirus expression system or lentivirus packaging plasmid system, is a powerful tool for in-vitro & in-vivo gene delivery, shRNA mediated RNA interference (RNAi), gene editing and stable cellline development. You can easily produce a recombinant lentivirus particle in HEK293T or HEK293FT […]
Lentivirus FAQs 1. What is a Lentivirus? Lentivirus is a subfamily of the retrovirus family. Lentiviruses can deliver significant amounts of genetic information into host cells and integrate it into the cellular genome. Genetically-engineered lentiviruses are therefore used as one of the most efficient tools of gene delivery.These lentiviruses contain a viral promoter which is […]
Introduction to Virus Packaging System Plasmids Hgher titer and easier purification process with GeneMedi’s viral vector systems for gene transduction. The gene transduction system including AAV system, adenovirus system and lentivirus system. AAV vector system (AAV expression system, AAV packaging plasmid system)-Introduction GeneMedi’s AAV Vector System, also named AAV expression system or AAV packaging plasmid […]
Introduction to Lentivirus Vector System (Lentivurs packaging and expression system) Achieve high titer of lentivirus production with GeneMedi’s lentivirus vector system (lentivirus packaging system).The lentivirus system using a low-passage HEK293T for packaging with ration of lentivirus expression vector (lentivirus overexpression or shRNA vector)and lentivirus packaging plasmid(pspax2,pMD2G) Lentivirus are based on HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus type […]
Lentivirus vector -Introduction Landscape, protocol and guidelines of lentivirus vector system, lentivirus production, lentivirus transduction and lentivirus gene therapy are described below. The detail information is mentioned about lentivirus plasmid cloning, lentivirus packaging, purification,lentivirus-mediated stable cell lines development and the insight of lentivirus gene therapy. Lentivirus vector -Index Lentivirus vector and stable cell line development-Knowledge […]
Begin your customized Lentivirus production process Introduction to Pre-made Lentivirus Production Service Lentivirus is a powerful tool for delivering target genes into almost all types of mammalian cells in vitro and in vivo. In contrast to retroviruses, lentiviruses are imported much more actively into the nuclei of non-dividing cells and are stably integrated into the […]
Introduction to CRISPR/Cas9 Knockout Lentivirus Production Service CRISPR/Cas9 premade products Custom made CRISPR/Cas9 service Custom-made CRISPR/Cas9-gRNA lentivirus for knockout cell line development Custom-made CRISPR/Cas9-gRNA adenovirusfor knockout cell line development Custom-made CRISPR/Cas9-gRNA AAVfor tissue-specific knockout in vivo CRISPR/Cas9 User Manual
Customized Lentivirus production Introduction to AAV-LC3 production service for Autophagy Flux Detection Premade LC3 Autophagy Biosensors Products and user manual Adeno associated virus(AAV) AAV-GFP-LC3 Autophagy Biosensor AAV-mRFP-GFP-LC3 Autophagy Biosensor Adenovirus Adv-GFP-LC3 Autophagy Biosensor Adv-mRFP-GFP-LC3 Autophagy Biosensor Lentivirus Lv-GFP-LC3 Autophagy Biosensor Lv-mRFP-GFP-LC3 Autophagy Biosensor LC3 Autophagy Biosensors User Manual AAV-LC3 User Manual Adenovirus-LC3 User Manual […]
Begin your customized Lentivirus production process Introduction to Pre-made Lentivirus Production Service Lentivirus is a powerful tool for delivering target genes into almost all types of mammalian cells in vitro and in vivo. In contrast to retroviruses, lentiviruses are imported much more actively into the nuclei of non-dividing cells and are stably integrated into the […]