Category Archives: cre

 Inducible-tissue specific Cre-loxP system for in vivo and in vitro study

View Knowledge Base – Cre-loxp system and Viral vector (AAV and adenovirus)-based Cre tools (AAV-Cre and Ad-Cre)>> Product list: Cre/loxP tools in AAV vector(AAV-Cre), adenoviral vector(Ad-Cre) and lentiviral vector(Lv-Cre) Abstract Cre-loxP system is widely used in the field of biosciences, especially in the generation of genetically engineered mice (knockout or overexpression), enabling researchers to study […]

Introduction of Cre-loxP system |-GeneMedi

View Knowledge Base – Cre-loxp system and Viral vector (AAV and adenovirus)-based Cre tools (AAV-Cre and Ad-Cre)>> Product list: Cre/loxP tools in AAV vector(AAV-Cre), adenoviral vector(Ad-Cre) and lentiviral vector(Lv-Cre) Abstract Cre-loxP system is widely used in the field of biosciences, especially in the generation of genetically engineered mice (knockout or overexpression), enabling researchers to study […]